PopUp Ninja 2.4 WordPress Plugin

PopUp Ninja 2.4 WordPress Plugin

You would not want to miss Popup Ninja WordPress plugin if you have a blog or a website. A powerful WordPress Plugin to skyrocket your Opt-In rates and increase the number of subscribers, giving you a chance to receive 100′s of potential leads to your email list every day!!

PopUp Ninja WordPress plugin features.
Extremely easy to use and configure. Just in few click it is ready to use.
Supports video on the PopUp. (Youtube, Vimeo).
Email marketing services integration included like Aweber, Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, Get Response, iContact, Constant Contact.
Redirect users after they subscriber to your opt-in form.
You can select the page and post, Where to show the popup on the website.
Mutiple templates design available for the Popups. Just a click and they are ready to be show on any page or post.
Built-in analytics, How many times a popup appear and how much opt-in ratio you obtain.
You can adjust the fonts, Colors, Font size and alignment option on the PopUp.
Adjust font on the template via Plugin option panel.
Cross Browser Compatible.

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